A color-treated version of the head model and hall used on the Synthetica album cover (LW 5.6).

LW 9.6 using volumetric lighting, (2010).

Modeled and rendered in the 1994 program LightWave 3D v3.5 on an Amiga 4000.

An unfinished project. This is an omni-mech that I eyeballed from a lead miniature
(LightWave 3D 3.5, 1994/5)

One of my very first attempts at 3D graphics with LightWave (previous to this, I had been learning
the fundamentals of 3D on Imagine/Turbo Silver). This is a re-created scene from the movie that
helped to warp me in the first place. Objects and scenes originally created in 1994. (Using 1993's LightWave 3.0).

A demo reel from 1997, pulled from VHS. The 1994 TRON animation was created on a 25MHz Amiga 4000/030 (LW 3.5)