df0: - the first floppy drive.
cd dirname - go to the directory called "dirname".
cd df0: - go to floppy drive df0:
cd dh1: - go to the hard drive called dh1:
cd devs - goes to the devs directory.
cd dh0: - returns you to the root directory of the hard drive called dh0:
Note: If you're using AmigaDOS 2.x or newer, you don't need to type cd to change to a different drive.
endcli - closes the CLI or Shell.
: To go to the root directory.
/// To move up three directories.
Copying a file that has a space in its name. For example, copy a file called jack rabbit to the ram disk:
To copy all files in the current folder to the ram disk:
Copy everything from diskette to a folder called Art on the second hard drive:
Copy a folder called Backgrounds and all its contents to the first hard drive, preserving file attributes:
Copy a folder called Folder5 to the second hard drive and also copy its .info file (OS 2.x and newer):
Copy a file called file.txt on the floppy drive to the RAM disk:
For a directory listing:
To pause the listing as it scrolls:
List all directories and their files:
To list all files that contain the characters "ami" :
To delete a file:
Deleting a protected file:
To delete a directory and its contents:
To make a new folder called darkstar, type:
To clean up the command line shell:
Delete all files starting with micros
Copy the diskette in the first drive to the diskette in the second drive:
Press Ctrl C if you decide not to actually perform the copy.
To make a diskette bootable (OFS Original File System):
To make a diskette bootable (FFS Fast File System):
To make a disk non-bootable:
To search for a file called "Schmuck" in the DH1:Graphics/pics directory:
To search the entire drive DH1:, type:
In this case, I can now simply type the word short and press enter to get to folder3
To send the contents of the file named "myfile" to the printer, type:
To append all files in a directory with the same extension -- e.g.) .pic
mount - activate a device like a CDROM drive. ex) Mount CD0:
Say - to activate the Amiga's speech synthesizer.
The Up Arrow - scrolls through the previously typed commands (DOS 2.x and up).
Shift Arrow - Moves cursor to beginning or end of a line of text.
Ctrl X - Deletes all text on the command line.
Ctrl U - Deletes all text prior to the cursor position.
Ctrl K - Deletes all text after the cursor.
Right-Amiga C - Copy mouse-highlighted text from command line.
Right-Amiga V - Paste text into command line (it'll be stored in a buffer for other apps to use as well).
Shift Backspace - Deletes all text before the cursor in one keystroke (applies to the
alias ls list
Click the following to see an AmigaOS tutorial series
The link below is an archive containing some text files explaining how to use a stock Amiga 1200 or 4000, along with
If you're working with an older Amiga with AmigaDOS/Workbench 1.2 or 1.3 on it and you can't see an icon for a
Designed by Amiga corporation in 1983/4 and released in early 1985, the AMIGA was originally intended to be a kick-ass gaming console. However, recognizing the potential of the system being developed, the five designers of the machine decided to give it added expansion possibilities by adding on serial and parallel ports, more RAM, a keyboard port, etc.... The video game console was growing into a fully-fledged computer. While this was a very forward-thinking idea (the video game console market was about to crash -- in favor of home computers), the costs of developing a computer system greatly outstripped the initial sum of money
supplied by the investors. Soon out of money, things were beginning to look pretty grim for the team at Amiga Corporation. Despite this the brave (and brilliant) men who designed the Amiga continued to develop the hardware and software, until a runnable system was ready for the soon-to-arrive consumer electronics show. Included on their design team were the two design leads of the Atari 2600 console and the Atari 800 computer as well as one of the programmers of the arcade game Sinistar.
A functioning Amiga was indeed at the summer 1984 consumer electronics show... barely.
Unfortunately, Commodore allocated relatively little money to future research and development for the Amiga and had the short-sightedness to alienate the designers. Hence the machine slowly lost its industry lead over the next decade. Some very intelligent and dedicated people continued to work on the Amiga over the years, but with a tiny fraction of the resources available to Apple and IBM.
Every Amiga is based on a multi-processor arrangement, with specific-purpose processors taking care of many of the tasks that typical computer systems assigned to the Central Processing Unit. This arrangement allowed for separate RAM and DMA for these custom chips and, in some cases, a higher-priority level for the graphics processor over the CPU itself. As well, the graphics circuitry (or Blitter) was cycle-interleaved with the CPU, adding to the efficiency of its use of system RAM.
In addition, the Amiga used a highly sophisticated autodetection system for all expansion cards (true plug and play, long before Windows 9x) and included a full 32-bit pre-emptive multitasking operating system right from day one. This O/S provided both GUI and command-line interfaces (much like X-Window) and the ability to write scripts in order to automate operating system functions.
df1: - the second floppy drive.
dh0: (sometimes hd0:) - the first hard drive or partition.
dh1: (sometimes hd1:) - the second hard drive or partition.
cd0: - the first CDROM drive.
CTRL C To stop a command.
Using the command cd:
/ To move up one directory.
cd / Use this command instead if using AmigaDOS 1.2 or 1.3.
Note: if a directory or filename has a space in it, it must be surrounded by quotes.
To copy a file to df0:
copy file.ext df0:
copy "jack rabbit" ram:
copy #? ram:
copy df0: dh1:art all
copy backgrounds dh0: all clone
copy Folder5(|.info) dh1: all clone
cd ram:
copy df0:file.txt ""
Click and hold the Right Mouse Button.
dir all
list sub ami#?
delete file.ext
delete file.ext force
delete directoryname all
makedir darkstar
delete micros#?
diskcopy df0: df1:
install df0:
install df0: ffs
install df0: noboot
search dh1:graphics/pics schmuck
search dh1:filename file all
Make a quick way to get to a folder within folders:
assign short: hd1:folder1/folder2/folder3
copy * to myfile
After entering this line, whatever you type will be copied to a file
named myfile.
To set your prompt to say "By your command:"
PROMPT By your command:
type >prt:myfile
EXECUTE rename.script
To set the synth up in Dos 2.x and up, copy the file called "SAY" from
the Dos 1.3 "Utilities" directory, to you hard drive "Utilities" directory.
Then copy the 1.3 "Speak-Handler" from the 1.3 "L" directory to
your HD "L" directory. Next, copy the file called "Narrator.device"
from the 1.3 Devs directory to your hard drive's "Devs" directory.
Execute Command field and to some apps but not the shell).
To close the shell, type:
Tip: Linux/UNIX users might want to add the following to their user-startup file in the S directory.
Now ls will do what the AmigaOS list command does.
folders containing numerous library files, fonts, and utilities from a Workbench 3.0 Amiga 4000/040.
Also included is information on how to link an Amiga to a Windows 98se PC using a 25-pin parallel cable.
folder or a program that you want to access, I've included a Workbench boot disk that has some generic icons that
you can use. Simply copy the icon to the location where the progam or folder is and rename it to match the program
or folder that you want an icon for. One icon is intended for folders and the other is intended for programs.
Since they didn't have the time or money to press the chipset to silicon, the designers strung the chip designs up on breadboards, placed them on an anti-static mat, and wired them up to a monitor. The reaction to the high-resolution graphics bouncing around on the screen was very positive -- to say the least. One suitably impressed company was Commodore, who purchased the technology and rights, allowing the designers of the system to run out and buy themselves each a Sun workstation (and something to eat).
The audio chip assisted in managing drive access, while providing digital 8-bit, 4-channel direct memory access state-machine synthesizer/sample handling, with superior filtering for its time, plus the option to combine two channels for ~14-bit audio.
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